MBA in gear 2

So I’ve been relatively free since the past couple of days, when it comes to the timetable. :p Its strange in a semester with 13 odd subjects how zombie-like our life begins to get. The morning rush, the mundane lectures(albeit a few), club activities etc. Taking out time for recreational activities seems like an appointment to be taken with an HR (yeah I’m over exaggerating 😉 )

My campus is blessed to have an in-built gym, badminton court, basketball court, provisions for yoga and aerobics! (Yes, the list is exhaustive). So for over a month I’ve been diligently going for yoga and its an enriching experience 🙂 From the suryanamaskars to the awkward positions, the meditation and kapaal bharti-it’s more about stretching your limits than yourself (literally).

While some of my colleagues are hell-bent over gymming, most girls prefer to take a dip in the pool(yes, we have that too). A few regulars hog the basketball court while some just prefer going for a jog.

With Independence day round the corner, a Freedom Run Marathon is being held at the Lavale campus. With the much publicity of the campus’ beauty that we’ve gathered from our faculty, I’m all gung-ho about the run.

What’s definitely playing spoilsport is a test scheduled for this Saturday. Now you’d ask why? First up Friday is a holiday, no test on Saturday implies an extended weekend for those who want to get back home. Secondly, I’ll be in all probability missing out on my Convocation. :/

The week ahead has a number of submissions lined up, varying from group, to individual assignments. One such is that of FM(Financial Management) wherein I need to use (only accessible via college Wi-Fi, grr), another is a research paper on Managerial Economics, then of course one on Business Laws. I’ve begun none 😉

Reading the Economic Times is an assignment in itself, honestly I’m not much of a fan of the ET, its contemporaries provide waaay better information in terms of content quality. So my morning generally begins with blogging, followed by breakfast, squeeze in time to read the newspapers, recreation and then finally once back in the room I’m either working on some assignment or preparing for a test. Late into the night it’s time for me to work on my on-going internship with Nokia India as a Youth Ambassador.

A little about the Nokia Mob Squad-well its by the youth, for the youth, of the youth. Last year in September it began as a pilot project and now in its second term, I’m proud to be a part of t yet again. From generating visibility digitally to organising on-ground events; the interaction with the senior associates of Nokia per se has been than of a rich learning curve. The WhatsApp chats, the chasing deadlines, the rewards and recognition and ultimately the satisfaction of being a part of the esteemed team in itself-all what I aim to carry forward ahead.

With a new event of ours in line #ColorIsIn we’re picking up a colour for each college and having a FB, twitter war amongst ourselves on why our colour is the best. The one with the maximum counts and hits, obviously has a reward in store ahead. Well, why this colour scheme contest? The winning team gets to paint a zebra crossing in the city with that specific colour. This is to create awareness about the lack of usage of such crossings coupled with the exuberant and vibrant colours that the Lumia is made of ~a win win strategy I’d say.

So send in your tweets on #ColorIsIn followed by #SJCETgreen to increase the amount of viewership; you might just end up winning a Lumia. Don’t forget to follow the twitter handle @NokiaIndia @sheeba_pathak



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